How to Get Your Amazon Profile Link?

How to Get Your Amazon Profile Link?

Profile Link

Your Amazon profile is more than just a collection of past orders and reviews; it represents your presence on one of the world’s largest e-commerce platforms. Whether you’re a seller, a reviewer, or simply an active Amazon user, having quick access to your Amazon profile link is essential. This complete & detailed guide will walk you through the steps to locate, copy, and share your Amazon profile link, ensuring you can easily connect with others or manage your profile settings.

Why You Might Need Your Amazon Profile Link

Your Amazon profile link can be used for various purposes:

  • Sharing with friends or potential customers: If you’re a seller or an influencer, sharing your Amazon profile link allows others to see your public activity, such as reviews, wishlists, and public lists.
  • Linking in your online content: Whether you write a blog, create a YouTube video, or manage social media accounts, having a direct link to your Amazon profile helps you engage with your audience.
  • Managing Your Reputation: If you’re an active Amazon reviewer, sharing your profile link can help you gain the trust and credibility of your fellow reviewers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Amazon Profile Link

Step 1: Sign in to Your Amazon Account

Before accessing your profile link, log in to your Amazon account. You’ll need to create an account if you don’t have one. Once logged in, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Access Your Profile

  1. Go to the Amazon homepage.
  2. Hover over the “Accounts & Lists” option in the top right corner.
  3. Tap on “Your Account” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Scroll down to the section labeled and check the “Ordering and shopping preferences.
  5. Click on “Your Amazon profile.”

Step 3: Locate Your Profile Link

Once you’re on your Amazon profile page, you can easily locate your profile link by following these steps:

  1. Copy the URL from any browser’s address bar for your unique Amazon profile link.
  2. Alternatively, if available, you can click the “Share your profile” button, and Amazon will display your profile link for easy copying.

Step 4: Customize Your Amazon Profile URL (Optional)

Amazon allows some customization options for your profile, although these are limited. If you want to change how your name appears in the link, you can do so by editing your profile settings:

  1. Click on “Edit your profile” on your Amazon profile page.
  2. Update your display name or other profile details.
  3. Save the changes, and your profile link will reflect these updates.

Note: Customization is limited, and Amazon does not allow users to create a fully customized URL.

Step 5: Sharing Your Profile Link

Now that you have your Amazon profile link, you can share it wherever needed. Whether on social media, email, or website, this link will direct others to your public Amazon profile.

Additional Tips for Amazon Users

Enhance Your Amazon Profile

A well-optimized Amazon profile can make a significant difference, especially if you use the platform for business purposes. Here are a few ways to enhance your profile:

  • Complete Your Profile Information: Ensure your name, location, and other details are current.
  • Upload a Profile Picture: This adds a personal touch to your profile and can make you appear more trustworthy.
  • Write Helpful Reviews: Engaging in the Amazon community by writing detailed and honest reviews can help build your reputation.

For more tips on maximizing your Amazon presence, check out our article on flipping Amazon deals, which provides insights into making the most of your Amazon activities.

Keep Your Profile Secure

Keeping your Amazon profile secure is essential, especially if you’re using it for business or influencer purposes. Follow these tips:

  • Remember to update your password regularly and activate two-factor authentication.
  • Monitor your account activity for any unauthorized changes or transactions.
  • Be mindful of the information you share publicly on your profile.

If you encounter any issues with your account, such as unauthorized access, refer to our guide on reinstalling your Amazon account for a step-by-step recovery process.

Integrating Your Amazon Profile with Other Platforms

If you’re a content creator or seller, integrating your Amazon profile with other platforms can help you reach a broader audience. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Linking on Social Media: Add your Amazon profile link to your social media bios to give your followers direct access to your reviews and lists.
  2. Embedding in Blog Posts: If you write content related to Amazon products, embedding your profile link can effectively engage readers. For example, when writing about how to sell food on Amazon, you can include your profile link to show your expertise.
  3. Using in Email Signatures: Including your Amazon profile link in your email signatures is an effective way to subtly share your presence on Amazon.

For those looking to monetize their Amazon activities, consider exploring how to create passive income with Amazon Kindle, which can complement your Amazon profile.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I hide my Amazon profile from public view?

Yes, you can control what information is visible on your Amazon profile. To do this, go to your profile settings and adjust the privacy settings to limit what others can see.

  1. Can I have multiple Amazon profiles?

Amazon allows only one profile per account. However, you can manage multiple profiles under a single Amazon Household account.

  1. How can I delete my Amazon profile?

If you wish to delete your Amazon profile, you’ll need to delete your entire Amazon account. This action is irreversible, so ensure you consider all options before proceeding.

  1. How do I update my Amazon profile picture?

To update your profile settings and picture, go to your profile page, click “Edit your profile,” and then upload a new picture.

For more detailed guidance on using Amazon features, explore our articles on how to use an Amazon gift card for Kindle and how to add variations to an existing Amazon listing.


Getting your Amazon profile link is a straightforward process that can enhance your online visibility and help you connect with others on the platform. Whether you’re sharing your link for business purposes or simply want to manage your profile more effectively, following the steps outlined in this detailed guide will ensure you can do so easily.

Remember, keeping your profile updated and secure is as important as knowing how to access your link. For more tips and insights into maximizing your Amazon experience, visit our services page for expert guidance.

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