How a small, yet effective change on a product title led to 6x in sales

Amazon Product

AMQPRO Golf Towel Set with Divot Tool and Golf Brush

As an Amazon Seller, you may think product titles are just for keywords — do the SEO and you won. But, it’s actually not true. You see, even if your products reached to your target audience, and if they won’t find it relevant and catchy, you’ll just lose sales. So, SEO isn’t just enough.

In this case study, we will discuss how a small change in the product title resulted in a significant increase in sales and conversion rates for AMQPRO.

Challenges They've Faced

Our client had an existing product on Amazon that was not performing well in terms of sales and visibility for a long time.

Despite having a high-quality product, the client was struggling to generate sales and make an impact in the market.

You already know how it feels when a decent product, created with months of hard work, doesn’t pay you back.

After analysis, we found out that the primary reason for the poor performance was the product title.

Though the Divot Tool and Golf Brush were on the main image, it wasn’t mentioned in the original version of the product title.

Our Solutions to AMQPro Problems

We then decided to run a A/B split test using Amazon’s ‘Manage Experiments’ option available in Seller Central. We created two different versions of the product title, one that was the original title and another that was a slightly modified version.

The modified version was based on keyword research and was designed to be more relevant and compelling to the target audience. We did it by including the Divot Tool and Golf Brush, along with the value proposition (most sellers forget the value proposition part)

The split test was conducted for four weeks, during which both versions of the product title were shown to an equal number of potential customers.

The results were insane! You know the version B? Yes, it outperformed the original title, version A. It showed a probability of 93%.

Remarkable Results with Ecommstars

The results of the split test were evident in the sales figures. After implementing the changes, the product’s annual sales increased by 6X. What was even more interesting was that every week, the performance of version B continued to improve, generating almost 2X sales each week and outperforming version A.

Also, increase in organic sales led to a 47% reduction in ACoS.

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